Marc Bappa is an ICT for Agriculture (ICT4Ag) professional interested in agricultural transformation and global development. He joined IDEV in April 2019 as junior consultant.
Prior to his joining the AfDB, he worked as a technical assistant in the ICT4Ag unit of the Policy, Markets and ICT (PMI) programme at the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation – CTA (ACP-EU) in Wageningen, Netherlands. In this role, he: (i) facilitated online knowledge sharing events; (ii) disseminated information regarding various job opportunities, conferences, workshops and capacity-building events related to youth and ICT4Ag; (iii) monitored ACP country projects; (iv) supported digital outreach on initiatives related to youth entrepreneurship in ICT4Ag; and (v) carried out capitalisation of experiences activities.
He has more than three years of field experience in agricultural extension and advisory services, cash crop value chains, cooperative management and development as well as digital communication and KM skills. In terms of his professional interests, he is keen to broaden his knowledge of KM and ICTs, to enhance inclusive and sustainable development.
He holds a Master of Science in Biotechnology and a Bachelor in Biological Science from the University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon.