Agriculture & Agro-industry

The transition to Green Growth is one of the two overarching objectives of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB or the Bank) Ten Year Strategy 2013-2022. In order to improve the performance of the Bank in terms of mainstreaming Green Growth and climate change considerations into its strategies and operations, the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) is conducting an evaluation of the Bank’s interventions in this area between 2008 and 2018.


In 2017, IDEV undertook an evaluation of the Bank’s support for agricultural value chains development (AVCD), assessing the agricultural portfolio during the period 2005-2016, amounting to approximately UA 3.1 billion. The objectives of the evaluation were to: i) assess the relevance, inclusiveness, effectiveness, and sustainability of the Bank’s support to value chains development; and ii) provide lessons and recommendations for the implementation and design of agricultural value chains interventions associated with the Feed Africa Strategy.


This report presents the key findings from the evaluation of a cluster of nine agricultural value chain interventions by the African Development Bank over the period 2005–2016. The nine case studies were conducted as inputs to the formative evaluation titled “AfDB Support for Agricultural Value Chains Development: Lessons for the Feed Africa Strategy,” which was completed in December 2017.

In regards to the cluster performance, the evaluation found that:


This evaluation review covers developments in Ghana’s agriculture and rural development sector overtime. Although the approach of the Study covered the entire Bank Group’s agriculture and rural development sector portfolio, eleven completed projects were reviewed specifically in detail while the on-going eight (8) projects, which were approved between 1997 and 2001, were also reviewed, but in summary form, to reflect the most recent developments in the Bank Group assistance strategy to Ghana’s agricultural sector, and to assess the extent to which lessons and recommendations of past experience have been adapted in the recent Bank Group-funded projects and programmes. Since these projects are still on going and many of them are less than two years into implementation, it is too early to assess project outcome, and therefore, the conclusions on the overall performance assessment of the Bank Group are based on the eleven completed projects.


AfDB commitments, whose content varies considerably, collectively affect all facets of the Bank's work. Three independent evaluations were conducted to determine whether the AfDB is delivering on its commitments under GCI VI and ADF 12 and 13 Commitments. These evaluations informed the ADF-13 Mid-Term Review Meeting held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, from 11-13 November, 2015.Evaluation Matters zooms in on key findings, lessons and recommendations of these evaluations.


This abbreviated Project Performance Evaluation Report (PPER) concerns the evaluation of the El-Beheira rural development project in Egypt. The project, whose total cost was estimated at UA 32.3 million, was identified and prepared by the FAO Investment Centre (FAO/IC) for ADB. Appraised by Bank experts in 1981, the project was financed with ADB and ADF funds to the tune of UA 10 million and UA 8 million respectively.




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